"In the beginning was the word ..."

John 1.1


3. Saturday is a monument of creation


Probably not all who read these lines, are Christians. And, of course, many of the you say: "what this conversation is about the" Saturday of the Lord "? There is no God, it has been proven by science! And the Bible is simply an invention of the ancient, retarded people... "

Take a look at Figure 1. It is showing "all the knowledge about the universe” in the form of an ellipse and "knowledge of modern humanity”...  in the form of dots! Only 1% of all  at the end of the twentieth century is the level of knowledge of the universe! Today people know something about the visible (material) world and almost know nothing about invisible (spiritual) world of the universe (Col 1.16).

How would you look at the man sitting in an empty room without Windows, and the speaker: "In the universe is nothing but a Chair on which I sit?" Gentlemen scientists! To great further, it looks like each of you, including doctors of Sciences, professors and academics when you say: "There is nothing in the universe besides matter"!

But I'm not going to engage in sophistry. Here are the first texts on Saturday and irrefutable proof that God exists and the Bible is true. So,


3.1. The picture of creation: the power and authority of God's Word

To the question "is there a God?" I answer clearly and responsibly: Yes.

"Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look who create them? Who prints the host their account? He calls them all by name: great power and great power it nothing is eliminated”. The proper name for God (יהוה) translated as Everlasting Exists, the Creator, the Almighty (Is 40.26 , Acts 17.24-25, Col 1.17). In the universe has a perfect order. The universe itself has a cellular-form structure of galaxies. No heavenly body does not come from its orbit. The land is located just in the Ecosphere - at a distance of 149.000.000 km (1 AU - astronomical unit), which ensures the life on it, and It does not overheat and freeze up. The percentage of oxygen in the atmosphere is 21%, more and no less, that we not burnt or suffocated. Could this be the result of a "big bang"? No, because the explosion creates and destroys and we know perfectly well.

And now lower your eyes to the sky to the ground. "And truly: ask the animals, and teach you - the birds of heaven, and will tell thee; or talk  with Earth, and guide you, and tell you fish the ocean. Who in the whole does not know that the hand of the Lord has created these things? " (Job 12.7-9). Look at the striking and complex behavior of beavers, ants and bees, the flights of birds, of which there is no map, no compass, on the Commonwealth of living beings (animals-hermit), geometrically correct and yet large - plastic flowers and you will see that it made a wise hand of the creator.

As to the theory of spontaneous generation, it be situable for 19th - first half the 20th century, to the late 20th century is not suitable for the following reasons:

a) life could not arise by chance; a primary broth» upcoming season (like "koacervates» of Oparin) simply could not conceive - this is the result of the experiments of Stanley Miller in 1953.

b) Formation of proteins depends on DNA and the DNA could not be formed without already existing adequate protein, hence they are having at the same time.

c) among the fossils found there is no intermediate links (frog different from the fish more difficult spine, the pelvis, the ability to live on land and three - cameras heart with two circles of blood circuation, not one as fish). Not refuted the assertion that the animals are "based on them" (Gen 1.21, 24.25).

d) Neanderthal was not an ancestor of modern man, and was just sick misshapen instance (Fred Hoyle, "Ice", 1981, p. 35).

e) on a scientific conference in Uppsala (Sweden) said that the radiometric method gives an error not in several years, and by several orders of magnitude (playoff) as in the past, the decay rate is not constant, and therefore the dating of earlier 2000 years BC untrustworthy (Seattle Post-Intelligencer, "Radiocarbon Dating is Wrong, January 18, 1976, p. 8).

f) artificial selection and mutation do not confirm and refute the theory of evolution; today there are many breeds of dog, but the dog has not had any other animals (On Call, July 3, 1972, pp. 8-9).

g) many other facts that I was not here for lack of space.

"Science, after she objected to the theologian, in that it relies on myths and miracles found myself in the unenviable position of MAKING YOUR OWN MYTHOLOGY ".

Lauren Ajseli, The Immense Journey, 1957, p. 200


So God exists. In this case, what is It? I will say immediately that this isn't some old man, seated on a throne (this view is condemned even Augustine, who lived in the IV-V centuries). Christians believe in one God in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Gen 1.1-2 and John 1.1, Matt 28.19, 1 John 5.7) as incomprehensible and uncanny personality: "Can the study find God? Can completely comprehend the Almighty? He is above the heaven - what can you do? Deeper into the underworld – what can to know? " (Job 11.7-8).  The Bible also talks about the main thing as a God  - of love. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever, faith in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life "(John 3.16). For us is not as important as looks like God as what he is omniscient, omnipotent and full of love.

In the first chapter of the book of Genesis is not a myth or a fairy tale, but a rational and scientific picture of the creation of our world. It differs from the scientific theories that said not about evolution or procreation, but about the creation of the world God.

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth" (Gen. 1.1). American astronauts, James Lovell and William Anders, the crew of the ship "Apollo 8", after seeing the universe from Lunar orbit in admiration opened the first page of the Bible and the land handed over to this text: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth"! As unlike naïve statement: “Gagarin flew, and God is not seen"!

Our solar system - not the first creation of God. She had lived in front of trillions of inhabitants of other worlds of the universe, "with Lazarus matinee stars, when all the sons of God shouted for joy "(job 38.7).

Many find a contradiction in that light and plants arose before the Sun. But for God nothing is impossible, because the Bible allows and another model of creation. "God is not opened to people exactly what work was carried out by creation" (E. White,” Patriarchs and prophets ", ch. 9).

So, let's say that on the first day God created all solar system bodies: the Sun, 9 large planets, their satellites, over 1600 minor planets (asteroids), about 100 comets and etc. "The Earth was without form, and void, and darkness over the abyss" (Gen 1.2). The land was probably covered in a layer of water vapor that sunlight couldn't reach the

covered water lifeless planet.

"And God said: let there be light" (v.3). Since then, the light of the Sun, therefore, became the see on Earth due to the dilution, the vapors, and night and day succeeded each other as in the dark cloudy weather (the Sun and the other luminaries were not visible).

On the second day God created the space separating the water from water "(v.6). Leading water pairs high density was raised, and there was a "firmament" is the bottom layer of the atmosphere (Heb. "rakia" ).

The third day happened something amazing: the surface crust of the Earth came into the movement, and the Ocean was land. And immediately there appeared the plants of all species.

In the fourth day, God said: “Yes to luminaries in the firmament of heaven "(in other words,"yes there will be lights visible from Eart”h, because the" firmament "is the space in which we live (v. 14,6).

On the fifth day there were animals in the water, and birds, and on the sixth day - terrestrial belly and, finally, the Crown of creation-members. Living beings are created of the same elements, that and the land (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine, etc.) and are capable of a certain ability to change itself, which is evident from the words "making water" and "Yes to revolutionise Earth" (Gen 1.20,24, 2.7).

"He said - and was made; He commanded, and was" (Psalm 33.9).

This is the biblical pattern of creation.

A few words in favor of the Bible. This ancient book was written over 1600 years and completed in the 1st century BC, her wrote 40 people, but in their books, there is no contradiction,on the contrary, they are in harmony with each other, complement each other and are confirmed by archaeology. The Bible foreshadowing many scientific discoveries: the sphericity of the Earth and the absence of “whales”, “elephants”, and other props (Is 40.22, Job 26.7), law of world gravity (Is 45.12), the water cycle in nature (Eccl 1.7), the weight of the air (Job 28.25), the composition of the human body, blood and the circulatory system (Gen 2.7, 9.5, Eccl 12.5-6), the influence of genes on personality (Ps 139.16), flights of birds (Jer 8.7) and much more.

Finally, the Bible predicts the future, which is exactly performed. Here is one example:

“The sixth Angel blew his trumpet, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the Golden Altar, standing before God, saying to the sixth Angel who holds the pipe; free the four Angels bound at the great river Euphrates. And the four Angels were released based on the hour and day and month and year, to kill the third part of the people "(Rev. 9.13-15). Here we are talking about a war against the Ottoman Empire in Europe, in the prophecies of the “day” is the year (Ezek 4.6, Num 14.34). Means "year" is equal to 360 years, “month” - 30 years, “day”-1 year , "hour" - 15 days. Total: 391 year and 15 days.

The beginning of the war (as well as most of the Empire) - July 27, 1449.   Augmentation 391 year and 15 days gives us this August 11, 1840 in 1838, announced the researcher Hosea Leitch. Thousands of people witnessed this prophecy exactly executive. August 11, 1840 Sultan was forced to ask for help - military protection -  from the Egyptian Pasha Muhammad Ali on a dependency of Britain, Russia, Austria and Prussia. On the same day Pasha has received an ultimatum in Alexandria.

Another example. In "Is 45.1-2" predicted not only the taking of Babylon, but the way it is and even the name of the person who will do it - Cyrus - for 150 years prior to his birthday!  In 539 BC Cyrus led the water of the Euphrates, which protect the town, in the burroved of his warriors new direction, and entered the city through the unlocked gate that King Belshazzar did not even ordered by - tile, seeing that the Persians were preparing to storm the building.

In the Bible you can find dozens of such examples. But back to the creature.


3.2. The seventh day - "round seal" on the creation

"It made the heavens and the Earth and all their host" (Gen 2.1). What God created, it was "very good" (Gen 1.31), was superb. The Lord wanted to made Them reasonable creatures always remembered his love, which is written on each of its creation (Deut 32.3-4). So at the end of creation he made something:  "And God to the seventh day of Its case, which he did, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work "(Gen 2.2).

Many actions of God at first glance seem incomprehensible. "Don't you ever heard, that eternal Lord God ... do not get tired or weak? " (Is 40.28).  Then why He rested? God had no need to rest, but he knew that made Them creatures will have such a need, because He slept in that day and called it Saturday (Heb. "Shabbat (שבת) - rest, cessation of work), this for the benefit and happiness of man -  century (Mark 2.27, Is 58.13-14).

"And God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it" (v. 3). God made two more action:

a) Blessed  (Heb. «bareh») - it's the Russian word can be divided into two parts, and

This means that God himself announced the Adam and eve of this day as a day of special, not like the other six days of the week.

b) Sanctified  (Heb. "akadesh" ) - this word means "set apart", and "Saint" is not the same as the others and is intended for a specific purpose.

So, God called the seventh day of the day of rest (Sabbath), allocated among the other days and gave him a special purpose.

The remembrance of God's creation is so important that not only committed in Eden, but on the new Earth will never (Is 66.22-23).


No. 156

Memorable God made miracles

His right hand in the world created.

When our Creator created everything in six days,

In the seventh day – Saturday - from all rested.

Monument to the great God,

Monument of creation that he created.

The seventh day is the Sabbath, he separated Himself

And he blessed him, and sanctified.



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